Nowadays, everyone wants to appear with a perfect image, so appearance has been outweighed. However, it is almost impossible to be perfect and that’s why appearance anxiety occurs. The skin, as the most basic part of appearance, has also attracted great attention from women. What is skin anxiety, then? Most women spend an average of one hour in front of the mirror every day, either looking at their figure or looking at their face to observe the skin, and then said in a panic:
Oh my god, why do I have dark circles?
Oh my god, why is my blackhead so obvious?
Oh my god, I’m only 20 years old, why do I have fine lines?
What Nutrients Does Skin Need for Glow and Health and the Main Sources?
Staying hydrated is essential to the elasticity of the skin because more than 50% of the cells are made up of water. Dehydrated skin looks dry, peeling, and tight. It can also cause itching and cracking of the skin, allowing bacteria to penetrate an intact barrier, leading to skin infections such as cellulitis.
Besides, in order to maintain the elasticity and firmness of the skin, dehydrated skin will send a signal to the oil glands to release more oil, which will block the pores and easily cause infection.
So, if you want good skin, remember to increase your daily water intake.
Top Drinks for Skin Health
Healthy drinks that are beneficial for skin health should, on one hand, keep skin stay hydrated and on the other hand, contain nothing synthetic but something natural and carry no or little sugar or sweeteners because sugar and sweeteners tend to age skin.
Top drinks beneficial for skin health include:
Pure water
Needless to say, the effect of pure water on the skin and overall health is positive. The pH value of pure water is 7, which is neutral, so drinking pure water can keep our pH value balanced. By drinking plenty of water every day, you can slowly tighten your skin and maintain a healthy glow. At the same time, compared with people who drink less water, people who drink more water are less likely to suffer from wrinkles, pimples, and acne. And if you want to keep your skin hydrated, you should make sure to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water every day.
Based on the users’ experiences on Fastyle, the water tracker is more used than other features so that water is always forgotten or neglected by those who really need it.
Lemon water
Lemonade water is rich in various vitamins such as Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, and Vitamin B2 and supplies plenty of moisture. One lemon has about half of the amount of Vitamin C that your body needs to function well and drinking lemon water can effectively prevent and eliminate skin pigmentation so that it is beneficial to whiten skin. Women can often drink lemon water to help digestion and absorption and make their skin delicate and shiny.
Green tea
Green tea is rich in tea polyphenols, which can play a role in anti-aging and anti-oxidation. In addition, green tea is rich in vitamins, which can effectively lighten spots and whiten the skin. According to a 2016 review Trusted Source, the EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) in green tea has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, helpful in treating acne and oily skin.
Coconut water
Because coconut water is rich in sugars, fats, proteins, and a variety of vitamins, mainly including vitamin B family, vitamin C, and a variety of trace elements, such as potassium and magnesium, it is beneficial for nourishing dry skin, preventing acne and acne scars and maintaining beauty and young for women.
Cucumber juice
It’s quite common to see women wearing cucumber slices on their eyes or face for skincare and cucumber juice can do more for skin health. When your skin is damaged by relentless pollution or severe sun exposure, drinking cucumber juice is beneficial for relieving skin irritations and keeping the skin hydrated. Besides, as an excellent anti-inflammatory drink, cucumber juice can also help soothe the skin and give you glowing and blemish-free skin.
Tomato juice
Raw tomato juice contains not only vital nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, and B6 but also minerals like magnesium, iron, and phosphorus. So, drinking tomato juice is helpful in treating and preventing some minor skin problems like acne, opening pores, and secretion of sebum in oily skin.
Collagen – Improving Elasticity
The foundation of skin is made up of collagen and abundant protein in the human body. Actually, collagen is also a kind of protein responsible for skin structure, firmness, and strength. Many studies have found that collagen supplements are good for your skin. For example, it can help reduce tissue and wrinkles, improve skin elasticity, and so on.
Good Sources of Collagen
- Fish
- Chicken
- Egg whites
- Citrus fruits
- Berries
- Red and yellow vegetables
- Garlic
- White tea
- Leafy greens
- Cashews
- Tomatoes
- Bell peppers
- Beans
- Avocados
- Soy
- Herbs high in collagen (Chinese knotweed, horsetail, gynostemma)
- Herbs that help to produce collagen (qotukola, bala, ashwaqandha)
Vitamin A – Reducing Sunburning
Vitamin A comes from derivatives called carotenoids, including beta-carotene, lycopene, and retinoids. They are very effective antioxidant ingredients and can resist sun damage.
Supplementing Beta-carotene helps reduce the severity of skin burns after excessive sun exposure. Carrots, pumpkins, and sweet potatoes are rich in Beta-carotene.
Lycopene can be found in red fruits, such as tomatoes, watermelons, or other red fruits. When exposed to excessive UV rays, lycopene will be destroyed first, so supplementing lycopene may help prevent further sun damage.
Retinol is another important carotenoid to the human body because the body cannot synthesize it. In the diet, it is found in fatty foods, including milk, egg yolks, and cheese. Both oral and topical retinol products can help avoid premature skin aging caused by overexposure to the sun.
Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for the skin. It helps support collagen production and controls Keratin production, which is the substance that makes up most of our skin cells. Besides, Vitamin A also helps keep skin strong. Actually, our body needs many essential nutrients to function and it relies on our diet. Vitamin A is available in a wide range of food sources including pumpkin, sweet potato, eggs, leafy greens, and so on.
Good Sources of Vitamin A
- Cheese
- Eggs
- Oily fish
- Fortified low-fast spreads
- Milk and yoghurt
- Liver and liver products (if you’re pregnant you should avoid eating liver or liver products)
Good Sources of Beta-carotene
- Yellow, red and green (leafy) vegetables, such as spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes and red peppers
- Yellow fruit, such as mango, papaya and apricots
Vitamin B Complex – Repairing Skin Damage
Niacinamide, a metabolite of vitamin B3, plays an important role in repairing skin damage.
Researchers at the University of Sydney have found that regular intake of vitamin B3 helps reduce the risk of actinic keratosis, which is a characteristic of precancerous skin lesions. Foods rich in vitamin B3 in life include fish, meat, eggs, vegetables, nuts, and other foods. Apart from being beneficial to the skin, they can also help accelerate fat burning.
Good Sources of Vitamin B Complex
- Milk
- Cheese
- Eggs
- Liver and kidney
- Meat, such as chicken and red meat
- Fish, such as tuna, mackerel, and salmon
- Shellfish, such as oysters and clams
- Dark green vegetables, such as spinach and kale
- Vegetables, such as beets, avocados, and potatoes
- Whole grains and cereals
- Beans, such as kidney beans, black beans, and chickpeas
- Nuts and seeds
- Fruits, such as citrus, banana, and watermelon
- Soy products, such as soy milk and tempeh
- Blackstrap molasses
- Wheat germ
- Yeast and nutritional yeast
Vitamin C – Stopping Aging
Vitamin C is an important element of a healthy diet for the human body, and it cannot be synthesized by your body. As a powerful antioxidant, it can effectively resist free radical damage, help skin keep beautiful and anti-aging and provide sun protection. Vitamin C is commonly found in a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits, such as sweet peppers, broccoli, kale, dark green leafy vegetables, and low-sugar fruits such as blueberries and strawberries.
Good Sources of Vitamin C
- Citrus fruit, such as oranges and orange juice
- Peppers
- Strawberries
- Blackcurrants
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Potatoes
Vitamin E – Effective Protection
Vitamin E is another antioxidant vitamin that protects the collagen and adipose tissue under the dermis to prevent DNA damage caused by free radicals and pollutants produced by the sun. If Vitamin C and Vitamin E are combined together, it will produce better results. One of the basic operations of sun protection is to supplement enough Vitamin E first. So, women can eat more green leafy vegetables, native nuts, avocados, and other foods.
Good Sources of Vitamin E
- Wheat germ oil
- Sunflower, safflower, and soybean oil
- Sunflower seeds
- Almonds
- Peanuts, peanut butter
- Beet greens, collard greens, spinach
- Pumpkin
- Red bell pepper
- Asparagus
- Mango
- Avocado
Omega-3 – Glowing Skin
Studies have shown that supplementing enough Omega-3 fatty acids is very helpful for improving chronic skin problems. Because Omega-3 fatty acids are an important part of cell membranes, they can help reduce inflammation, repair the skin barrier, keep our skin glowing and functioning normally.
Good Sources of Omega-3
- Mackerel
- Salmon
- Cod liver oil
- Herring
- Oysters
- Sardines
- Caviar
- Flax seeds
- Chia seeds
- Walnuts
Probiotics – Cutting Inflammation
If a person has a balanced ratio of good bacteria to bad bacteria in the intestines, it is likely to cause inflammation in the body and induce chronic skin diseases such as eczema. Studies have shown that a healthy gut microbiome can influence the immune response and reduce inflammatory responses.
Drinking probiotics every day can help reduce the chance of skin infections such as acne and other skin abnormalities associated with chronic inflammatory reactions. Therefore, you can supplement enough probiotics by eating more sugar-free kimchi, sugar-free yogurt, natto, and other fermented foods, or you can choose the corresponding probiotic supplements according to your own situation.
Good Sources of Probiotics
- Yogurt
- Kefir
- Sauerkraut
- Tempeh
- Kimchi
- Miso
- Kombucha
- Pickles
- Traditional buttermilk
- Natto
- Some types of cheese, such as cheddar, mozzarella and gouda
Zinc – Boosting Vitamin A Transportation
Zinc is a trace element. It has a very important effect on optimal skin health and also has a maintenance and regeneration effect on the human skin. It can resist radiation, anti-ultraviolet rays, reduce pigmentation, prevent lipid oxidation, and anti-aging.
The amount of zinc in our food is from the soil in which it grows. Unfortunately, in the modern world, our soil is deficient in zinc. However, there are also many foods that we can eat, or we can also take a Zinc supplement especially when we suffer from eczema, acne, or any other inflammatory skin condition.
Good Sources of Zinc
- Meat
- Shellfish
- Legumes
- Seeds
- Nuts
- Dairy
- Eggs
- Whole grains
- Some vegetables
- Dark chocolate
How does Intermittent Fasting Boost Skin Health?
Does intermittent fasting boost skin health? That’s a common-to-hear question about intermittent fasting by fasters (especially intermittent fasting beginners) who either do intermittent fasting for weight loss, keep body healthy or both. The answer is, definitely, YES!
In fact, all principles intermittent fasting stick to are friendly with skin health and all the benefits of intermittent fasting lead to glowing, toned, and clear skin.
The food an active faster is advised to eat during the eating phase contains the nutrients needed to keep our skin healthy and shiny.
For active fasters, they are advised to eat proteins, healthy fat, fruit, and vegetables during the eating phase.
Proteins from animals are an important factor in skin structure, firmness, and strength.
Healthy fat like avocados and nuts is rich in Omega-3, which is helpful for improving chronic skin problems and glowing skin.
Fruits and vegetables provide you with vitamins and minerals that keep your skin healthy.
The drinks an active faster is advised to drink contains rich vitamins and minerals for skin maintenance.
For active fasters, they are allowed to drink water, coffee, and tea. Water is the best beverage while intermittent fasting as it contains 0 calories. And drinking enough water every day also keeps your skin hydrated. Tea like green tea is rich in tea polyphenols and vitamins, which can effectively lighten spots and whiten the skin.
Intermittent Fasting also helps you expel toxins from the body in time and keep skin away from dullness and acne.
Intermittent fasting and deep excretion are equivalent to giving the body a chance to clean itself, excrete the accumulated waste, bad cholesterol, harmful bacteria, uric acid, heavy metals, nicotine, and help the body excrete the toxic substances that have been accumulated in the intestines for a long time. Therefore, our skin will become more delicate and translucent after the toxins are discharged.
Bottom Line
- Our skin needs many nutrients for glow and health, including Hydrate, Collagen, Vitamin A, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Omega-3 and Zinc.
- There are also some good sources of these nutrients. We can let a healthy diet be top skin care products.
- Intermittent Fasting can also boost skin health as the benefits of IF leads to glowing, toned and clear skin.
Reference Articles: