How Many Calories Should You Burn to Lose 1 to 2 Pounds a Week?

About half of adults are all in the same boat of needing to lose weight to become healthy. When speaking of a global crisis, overeating is an issue that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. Heart disease is the number one killer around the globe, and it is mainly caused by eating too much and not being able to put down the fork. If you need to lose weight just like so many others, it is not a bad idea to approach it scientifically.

Why Calories Cause Weight Gain

A calorie is a unit of energy related to food intake. A person’s metabolism takes the food or beverage you are ingesting and converts these calories (combined with oxygen) and produces energy in the body.

Body weight remains stable when the amount of calories is equal to the amount of energy you are using. But when the calories coming in are too great compared to the energy you need, this is when weight gain happens.

The World Health Organization, one of the premier organizations related to disease, health, and fitness, explains it simply. “The fundamental cause of obesity and overweight,” the World Health Organization stated, “is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended.”

And with that extra weight comes a greater chance of diabetes and chronic diseases and disorders.

How Many Calories Must You Burn to Lose a Pound?

To lose one pound of fat, you must burn 3,500 calories[1]. Since everyone exercises with different intensities, it is impossible to say to anyone they must work out for two hours to lose a pound. Watch some people in the gym and you will be able to see dramatically different approaches to fitness. This is why you can’t just plan on working out to lose weight. You must change your lifestyle and diet.

Tips to Reduce Calories

If you eliminate 500 to 1,000 unhealthy calories a day from your diet, you can lose one to two pounds in a week. This can add up to serious weight loss quickly. Here are some tips to reduce your calories.

  • Stop drinking your calories. Drink only water from here on out.
  • Don’t eat after dinner every night. Snacks make it tough to lose weight.
  • Intermittent fasting will have you eating fewer calories, but allow you to still eat the foods you enjoy.
  • Swear off overly processed foods. They are high in fat and calories.

Attack Weight Loss on All Fronts

If you are serious about losing weight, use all the strategies you can. This includes working out, burning calories, and consuming less calories. It does not have to be difficult and you don’t have to spend extra money on fancy diets. Once you get into a routine, it will all become much easier.



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