20K+ users have
achieved their health
goal via Fastyle

What our clients are saying

Easy to use and useful

"It's the only plan that gives me long term appetite reduction and doesn't make me feel like I am 'on a diet' or restricted by anything but a simple decision of 'not now, later."


Find confidence

"Fastyle helped me get my self confidence back. I look great, and I feel even better! I can't imagine my life without it."


Live by it

"It's worked great for me and I don't have to deprive myself of yummy food, I just adjusted the times that I'm eating. Its great for me who loves cooking and eating but still controlling my weight."


Really helps me

"New to IF. I am finding it easy so far. Looking forward to the health benefits. It has stopped my emotional eating at night, because my eating window is closed. "


Love this app

"I'm 71, retired and want to be healthy. At first, intermittent fasting app was a challenge - no lie. The team at fastyle guided me by starting slowly and by gradually adding hours to my fasts."


It really works

"I have lost 11 pounds in the last year using this app. I also count calories and eat low carb."


Healthy choice

"I really like the personalized fasting plan my coach designed for me. While restricting calorie intake, I ate as usual but lost 13.2 kg in just 4 weeks. "


Can afford it

"FINALLY an affordable product that delivers EXACTLY what it says it will! I'm totally blown away. I’m totally hooked."



How does IF work?
How to prepare for a fast?
Can I Drink Liquids During the Fast?
Should I stop fasting?
Is fasting suitable for me?

Your personal
intermittent fasting

Intermittent Fasting Tracker

Customized Fasting Plan

Professional Guide and Resources on Health

Switch to a Healthy, Active and Scientific way of life

Dozens of peer-reviewed studies have shown that Intermittent fasting is an effective tool for reducing the risk of metabolic disease. Intermittent fasting principle has won Nobel Prize and its advantages have been reported by BBC.

Slowly you start, gradually you listen to your body

Intermittent fasting lets your body develop a healthy circulation that speeds up metabolism and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

20K+ users have achieved their health goal via Fastyle


Your coach is available and ready

Just provide a bit about your history, goals, and experience, then a personalized plan that grows with you over time will be generated.


Hungry? Tired?

Hungry? A meal tracker is suggested to you. Tired? Your sleep during fasting will be optimized based on the guide from Fastyle coach. Just keep a real feeling record on Fastyle and we'll help you recover.


Pro tips

Pro tips, fasting hacks, expert guidance, and in-the-moment motivation are available on Fastyle that is continually updated with in-depth articles, videos and audio segments to fuel your fasts.

What our clients are saying

Easy to use and useful

"It's the only plan that gives me long term appetite reduction and doesn't make me feel like I am 'on a diet' or restricted by anything but a simple decision of 'not now, later."


Find confidence

"Fastyle helped me get my self confidence back. I look great, and I feel even better! I can't imagine my life without it."


Live by it

"It's worked great for me and I don't have to deprive myself of yummy food, I just adjusted the times that I'm eating. Its great for me who loves cooking and eating but still controlling my weight."


Really helps me

"New to IF. I am finding it easy so far. Looking forward to the health benefits. It has stopped my emotional eating at night, because my eating window is closed. "


Love this app

"I'm 71, retired and want to be healthy. At first, intermittent fasting app was a challenge - no lie. The team at fastyle guided me by starting slowly and by gradually adding hours to my fasts."


It really works

"I have lost 11 pounds in the last year using this app. I also count calories and eat low carb."


Healthy choice

"I really like the personalized fasting plan my coach designed for me. While restricting calorie intake, I ate as usual but lost 13.2 kg in just 4 weeks. "


Can afford it

"FINALLY an affordable product that delivers EXACTLY what it says it will! I'm totally blown away. I’m totally hooked."



How does IF work?
How to prepare for a fast?
Can I Drink Liquids During the Fast?
Should I stop fasting?
Is fasting suitable for me?