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Top Fruits Beneficial for Intermittent Fasting

Fruits are excellently fit for intermittent fasting because it’s beneficial to live a healthy life and lose weight. How to eat fruits to benefit from intermittent fasting will be discussed in this article.

Why Fruits are Friendly to Intermittent Fasting?

Why intermittent fasting? The advantages of intermittent fasting include but not exclude the following items:

Fruits are typically rich in vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and fiber that can help lower cholesterol levels, control blood sugar levels and maintain bowel health. Another plus: fruits are low in calories.

The government’s 2020-25 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that for a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet, most people should eat about 2 cups of fruit daily.

Dos and Don’ts about Fruit Intake for Intermittent Fasting

Keep in mind that all fruits are fit for intermittent fasting. Nevertheless, there are still some fruits eating habits that should be conformed to or avoided for an optimal effect on intermittent fasting.

Eat Fruit; Don’t Drink.

It’s optimal to get nutrients from fruits as you eat them instead of drinking fruit juice. As fruits are squeezed or made into juice, nothing is left in your juice but much sugar and some vitamins and minerals. Without fiber in fruits, they aren’t fit for weight loss anymore. Therefore, do eat fruits to replace fruit juice.

Eat Fresh Fruits; Don’t Eat Dried Ones.

Do you know dried fruits contain more sugar than fresh ones? It’s never too late to know that.

Take grapes for example, as high as 182 calories can be saved per ounce if fresh grapes are selected instead of dried ones.

Be Cautious about the Sugar Content.

Although fruits undoubtedly boost people’s health, the sugar content should be cautious because it’ll possibly have bad effects on people’s health such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

There’s an easy way to know about how much sugar a type of fruit contains. Open Google and search with the keyword “fruit sugar content” with a click. Then, you’ll see the following tool:

By selecting fruit type and quantity, you’ll be able to grasp a specific sugar content corresponding to a type of fruit. Comparisons in terms of sugar content can be also made between different fruit types.

Don’t Eat Too Many Fruits One Time.

In terms of everything, too much is a bad thing.

Consuming too many fruits one time possibly brings about health problems to people, especially those suffering from high blood sugar, which is especially obvious when fruits are made into juice. It’s a good idea to figure out the sugar content before you really eat fruits.

Do Eat Seasonal Fruits.

Seasonal fruits usually grow in a natural way, compatible with the natural lifestyle of all the world. After all, the new technologies these days can break the fundamental principle of living things, which is scary and unacceptable. Seasonal fruits comply with our ancestors’ living habits, what to eat in what season. Don’t break the ancient lifestyle too easily.

Top Fruits Beneficial for Intermittent Fasting


Amount Per: 1 medium (182g)

Calories: 95

Dietary fiber: 4.4g

Sugar: 19g

Protein: 0.5g

Vitamin C: 14%

Calcium: 1%

Vitamin B-6: 5%

Magnesium: 2%


Amount Per: 1 cup (165g)

Calories: 79

Dietary fiber: 3.3g

Sugar: 15g

Protein: 2.3g

Vitamin C: 27%

Calcium: 2%

Vitamin B-6: 5%

Magnesium: 4%


Amount Per: 1 cup (148g)

Calories: 85

Dietary fiber: 3.6g

Sugar: 15g

Protein: 1.1g

Vitamin C: 24%

Calcium: 0%

Vitamin B-6: 5%

Magnesium: 2%


Amount Per: 1 cup (144g)

Calories: 62

Dietary fiber: 8g

Sugar: 7g

Protein: 2g

Vitamin C: 50%

Calcium: 4%

Vitamin B-6: 0%

Magnesium: 7%


Amount Per: 1 cup (92g)

Calories: 62

Dietary fiber: 0.8g

Sugar: 15g

Protein: 0.6g

Vitamin C: 6%

Calcium: 1%

Vitamin B-6: 5%

Magnesium: 1%


Amount Per: 1 medium (178g)

Calories: 101

Dietary fiber: 5.52g

Sugar: 17.4g

Protein: 1g


Amount Per: 1 fruit (66g)

Calories: 30

Dietary fiber: 0.9g

Sugar: 7g

Protein: 0.5g

Vitamin C: 10%

Calcium: 0%

Vitamin B-6: 0%

Magnesium: 1%


Amount Per: 1 small (96g)

Calories: 45

Dietary fiber: 2.3g

Sugar: 9g

Protein: 0.5g

Vitamin C: 85%

Calcium: 3%

Vitamin B-6: 5%

Magnesium: 2%


Amount Per: 1 fruit (58g)

Calories: 17

Dietary fiber: 1.6g

Sugar: 1.5g

Protein: 0.6g

Vitamin C: 51%

Calcium: 1%

Vitamin B-6: 0%

Magnesium: 1%


Amount Per: 1 fruit (69g)

Calories: 42

Dietary fiber: 2.1g

Sugar: 6g

Protein: 0.8g

Vitamin C: 106%

Calcium: 2%

Vitamin B-6: 0%

Magnesium: 3%


Amount Per: 1 medium (552g)

Calories: 186

Dietary fiber: 5g

Sugar: 43g

Protein: 4.6g

Vitamin C: 337%

Calcium: 5%

Vitamin B-6: 20%

Magnesium: 16%


Amount Per: 1 small (152g)

Calories: 59

Dietary fiber: 3g

Protein: 1g

Vitamin C: 157%


Amount Per: 1 cup, sliced (146g)

Calories: 234

Dietary fiber: 10g

Sugar: 1g

Protein: 2.9g

Vitamin C: 24%

Calcium: 1%

Vitamin B-6: 20%

Magnesium: 10%


Amount Per: 1 medium (397g)

Calories: 1405

Dietary fiber: 36g

Sugar: 25g

Protein: 13g

Vitamin C: 21%

Calcium: 5%

Vitamin B-6: 10%

Magnesium: 31%